NCERT MCQ Solutions for Class 6 Science Curiosity Chapter 7 Temperature and its Measurement provides detailed multiple-choice questions covering topics such as different types of thermometers, temperature scales and heat transfer methods. Class 6th Science Curiosity MCQ solutions help students understand Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin conversions, along with conduction, convection and radiation principles. Practicing these MCQs enhances problem-solving skills and prepares students for exams by reinforcing their understanding of temperature and its measurement through scientifically curated questions and answers.
Class 6 Science Chapter 7 NCERT Solutions
Class 6 Multiple Choice Questions
Class 6 Science MCQ

Learning Temperature Measurement in Class 6 Science MCQ

Temperature have great role in understanding the physical world around us. In NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 7 MCQ, students explore the different methods and instruments used to measure temperature accurately. The MCQ concept of temperature and its measurement Class 6 quiz helps in assessing how well students grasp this fundamental scientific principle. A thermometer is the primary instrument for measuring temperature, with different types such as clinical thermometers, laboratory thermometers and digital thermometers. NCERT Textbook MCQs on Temperature and its Measurement often test knowledge about the working of these thermometers, their appropriate usage and the scales of measurement, such as Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin. Understanding temperature and its measurement Class 6 questions not only helps students in academics but also in real-life applications like weather monitoring and health assessments.

Q1. Which of the following scales is NOT used to measure temperature?

[A]. Celsius
[B]. Kelvin
[C]. Newton
[D]. Fahrenheit

Q2. What is the minimum temperature a laboratory thermometer can usually measure?

[A]. -10°C
[B]. 10°C
[C]. 0°C
[D]. -20°C

Class 6 Science Curiosity Chapter 7 MCQ on Measuring Temperature

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The study of Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Test includes learning about various types of thermometers and their applications. Clinical thermometers are used to measure body temperature, whereas laboratory thermometers are used for scientific experiments. NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Practice Questions often include queries about the expansion of liquids, such as mercury and alcohol, which are commonly used in thermometers. Students must understand how thermometers are calibrated and why substances like mercury expand at a predictable rate with temperature changes. In CBSE Board Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Multiple Choice Questions, one common topic is the principle of thermal expansion and how it affects measurement accuracy. Solving NCERT MCQs for Class 6 Science Chapter 7 helps reinforce these concepts and ensures students can apply them in practical scenarios.

Q3. The boiling point of water at sea level is

[A]. 50°C
[B]. 75°C
[C]. 100°C
[D]. 130°C

Q4. Which scientist is known as the “Weather Woman of India”?

[A]. Kalpana Chawla
[B]. Anna Mani
[C]. Rosalind Franklin
[D]. Marie Curie

6th Science Chapter 7 MCQ on Scales of Temperature

Temperature is measured using three main scales: Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin. In the MCQs for Class 6 Science Chapter 7, students often encounter questions about converting values between these scales. NCERT Textbook Solution Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Assessment includes exercises on using formulas like °C = (°F – 32) × 5/9 and Kelvin = °C + 273. The Kelvin scale is particularly important in scientific research because it starts from absolute zero, where molecular motion ceases. NCERT Book MCQ Class 6 Science Exercise Chapter 7 Test Questions ensure students grasp how different temperature scales are used in various applications. Practicing Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Question Bank improves students’ ability to understand heat transfer, energy conservation and scientific measurements.

Q5. What is the normal body temperature of a healthy human in Celsius?

[A]. 36°C
[B]. 37°C
[C]. 38°C
[D]. 39°C

Q6. Liquid is commonly used in laboratory thermometers

[A]. Water
[B]. Oil
[C]. Glycerin
[D]. Alcohol
NCERT 6th Science MCQ on Temperature Changes

One of the key concepts in Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Exam Questions is heat transfer. Heat moves through three primary modes: conduction, convection and radiation. In the MCQs on Class 6 Science Chapter 7, students learn how different materials conduct heat at different rates. Metals like copper and aluminum are good conductors, whereas wood and plastic are insulators. Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Practice Test questions frequently ask about how these principles apply in daily life, such as in cooking, insulation and climate control. Understanding Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Review Questions helps students make connections between theoretical knowledge and practical applications, ensuring they comprehend how energy is transferred in natural and artificial environments.

Q7. Which thermometer is used to measure body temperature?

[A]. Clinical thermometer
[B]. Laboratory thermometer
[C]. Mercury barometer
[D]. Room thermometer

Q8. A digital thermometer measures temperature using

[A]. Mercury
[B]. Alcohol
[C]. Heat sensors
[D]. Water
Class 6 Science Chapter 7 MCQ with Experimenting with Temperature

To fully understand Temperature and its Measurement Class 6 Practice Test, students must conduct experiments. This includes using laboratory thermometers to measure different substances’ temperatures and recording observations systematically. In NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Knowledge Check, students are tested on their ability to analyze experimental data, recognize patterns and draw conclusions. Scientific experimentation follows a structured approach: formulating a hypothesis, conducting controlled experiments and interpreting results. MCQs on Temperature and its Measurement help students refine their deep thinking and problem-solving skills. Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Online Test resources further aid in developing analytical abilities, making learning more engaging and effective for young scientists.

Q9. What is the SI unit of temperature?

[A]. Celsius
[B]. Degree
[C]. Fahrenheit
[D]. Kelvin

Q10. The Fahrenheit equivalent of 37°C is

[A]. 98.6°F
[B]. 102°F
[C]. 99.5°F
[D]. 100.2°F

What are the different types of thermometers to study in 6th Science Chapter 7 MCQ?

Thermometers are essential instruments for measuring temperature and they come in various types, each with specific applications. The most common types include clinical thermometers, laboratory thermometers and digital thermometers. Clinical thermometers are used for measuring body temperature and usually have a temperature range of 35°C to 42°C. Laboratory thermometers, on the other hand, are used for scientific experiments and can measure higher temperatures, often ranging from -10°C to 110°C. MCQs on Temperature and its Measurement often test knowledge about these thermometers and their working principles. Understanding these instruments is essential for solving Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Multiple Choice Questions effectively.

Why are different temperature scales used in Class 6 Science Chapter 7 MCQ?

Temperature is measured using three primary scales: Celsius (°C), Fahrenheit (°F), and Kelvin (K). Celsius is commonly used in most countries for weather forecasting and daily temperature readings, whereas Fahrenheit is primarily used in the United States. Kelvin is the absolute temperature scale used in scientific research. Class 6 Science Chapter 7 Test Questions often include temperature conversions using formulas such as °C = (°F – 32) × 5/9 and K = °C + 273. Understanding temperature and its measurement Class 6 quiz helps students learn how these scales relate to real-world applications in weather monitoring, engineering and physics.

What are the real-life applications given in 6th Science Chapter 7 MCQs?

Heat transfer occurs in three ways: conduction, convection and radiation. Conduction takes place when heat moves through solids, such as when a metal spoon gets hot in a cup of tea. Convection involves heat transfer in liquids and gases, like warm air rising in a room. Radiation transfers heat through electromagnetic waves, such as sunlight warming the Earth’s surface. Class 6 Science Chapter 7 MCQ Review Questions help students understand these processes and their impact on temperature measurement. MCQs on Class 6 Science Chapter 7 also test knowledge on why materials like metals conduct heat better than wood, which is used in designing efficient insulation and cooking appliances.