NCERT MCQ Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound describes complete chapter with the set of multiple-choice questions covering key concepts like sound waves, propagation, reflection, resonance and applications such as sonar and ultrasound. These MCQs Objective Questions solutions help students practice effectively for exams by offering clear explanations and answer keys. By attempting Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound MCQ Test, students can strengthen their conceptual understanding. Download Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound MCQ PDF for structured learning and revision.
Class 9 Science Chapter 11 NCERT Solutions
Class 9 Multiple Choice Questions
Class 9 Science MCQ

Class 9 Science Chapter 11 MCQ based on Sound

Sound is a very important aspect of our daily lives, allowing communication and interaction with the environment. In Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound MCQ, students explore the fundamental principles of sound waves, their propagation and their effects. Sound waves travel through a medium as longitudinal waves, requiring particles to oscillate back and forth to transmit energy. This process is governed by factors like frequency, wavelength and amplitude. Understanding these concepts helps in solving Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound MCQ Questions, which often focus on wave properties. The study of sound also involves practical applications, such as sonar technology and ultrasound imaging. To master these topics, students can practice Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound MCQ Online Test and refer to Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound MCQ with Answers to assess their understanding.

Q1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of musical sound?

[A]. Pitch
[B]. Quality
[C]. Wavelength
[D]. Loudness

Q2. Which of the following will remain unchanged when a sound wave enters from air in water?

[A]. Amplitude
[B]. Frequency
[C]. Speed
[D]. Wavelength

Q3. The pitch of sound of a musical note depends upon its

[A]. Amplitude
[B]. Wavelength
[C]. Frequency
[D]. Velocity

MCQ of 9th Science based on Properties of Sound Waves

Sound waves exhibit properties such as reflection, refraction and diffraction, which influence their behavior in different environments. In Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound MCQ Test, questions often test knowledge of wave characteristics like speed, intensity and phase differences. The speed of sound varies based on the medium, traveling fastest in solids and slowest in gases due to molecular density differences. NCERT Exercise Solutions Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound Quiz typically includes questions on how temperature, humidity and pressure affect sound propagation. The reflection of sound is responsible for echoes, while its refraction plays a lead role in acoustic phenomena such as sound focusing. To deepen their knowledge, students can download Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound MCQ PDF and attempt Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound MCQ Free practice questions.

Q4. The speed of sound is largest in

[A]. Water
[B]. Vacuum
[C]. Steel
[D]. Air

Q5. Sound waves can travel

[A]. Only in solids
[B]. In liquids and gases only
[C]. Only in liquids
[D]. In solids, liquids as well as gases.

Q6. Speed of sound (v) in a medium is related to its frequency (v) and wavelength (λ) as

[A]. v = vλ
[B]. v = vλ
[C]. λ = vv
[D]. v = v + λ

NCERT Class 9 Science Chapter 11 MCQ on Human Hearing

The human ear is a complex organ that detects and interprets sound waves through a sequence of biological processes. Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound MCQ Worksheet commonly includes questions about how sound waves travel through the ear canal, causing vibrations in the eardrum. These vibrations are transmitted via the ossicles (malleus, incus and stapes) to the cochlea, where hair cells convert mechanical energy into neural signals. The perception of pitch and loudness depends on the frequency and amplitude of sound waves, topics frequently covered in Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound MCQ Practice. Audiometry tests assess hearing abilities and detect impairments. To strengthen their grasp of auditory principles, students can take a Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound MCQ Test Paper and review Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound MCQ Solutions.

Q7. Sound waves travel as successive compressions and rarefactions. The distance from a centre of compression to next centre of compression, in terms of wavelength λ, is equal to

[A]. λ/2
[B]. λ/4
[C]. λ

Q8. Same notes being played on guitar and harmonium differ in

[A]. Pitch.
[B]. Quality.
[C]. Neither pitch nor quality.
[D]. Both pitch and quality.
MCQ on Applications of Sound in Science and Medicine

Sound technology has revolutionized fields like medicine, communication and navigation. Ultrasound, which uses high-frequency sound waves, is widely used in medical imaging to visualize internal organs and fetal development. NCERT Class 9 ScienceChapter 11 Sound MCQ Exam Questions often include problems on sonar systems, which utilize sound waves for underwater navigation and mapping. In communication, microphones and speakers rely on sound wave principles to convert acoustic signals into electrical signals and vice versa. Engineers optimize the acoustics of theaters and auditoriums using sound absorption techniques, a concept tested in Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound MCQ Test. Students looking for additional resources can refer to Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound MCQ Answer Key to evaluate their knowledge and improve problem-solving skills.

Q9. The time period of a vibrating object is 0.005 s. The frequency of waves emitted by it is

[A]. 5 Hz
[B]. 5 × 10⁻³ Hz
[C]. 200 Hz
[D]. 2000 Hz

Q10. A key of a mechanical piano is struck gently and then struck again but much harder this time. In the second case

[A]. Sound will be louder but pitch will not be different.
[B]. Sound will be louder but pitch will be lower.
[C]. Sound will be louder and pitch will also be higher.
[D]. Both loudness and pitch will remain unaffected.
Class 9 Science Chapter 11 MCQ in Sound and Vibrations

Beyond basic properties, advanced sound concepts involve resonance, Doppler effect and harmonics, which have significant scientific and industrial applications. Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound MCQ Sample Paper often tests resonance, where an object vibrates at its natural frequency due to an external periodic force, leading to amplified oscillations. The Doppler effect explains the shift in frequency perceived when a sound source moves relative to an observer, applicable in radar and astrophysics. Musical instruments produce unique tones based on harmonics, studied in Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound MCQ Online. Engineers analyze vibrations to reduce noise pollution and enhance soundproofing techniques. By practicing Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound MCQ Download, students can solidify their understanding and explore practical implementations of sound science.

Q11. A thunder clap is heard 5.5 s later than the lightning flash. The distance of the flash is

[A]. 300 m
[B]. 1780 m
[C]. 1815 m
[D]. 3560 m

Q12. If the velocity of sound in air is 350 m s⁻¹, a person singing a note of 250 cycles per second is producing sound waves with a wavelength of

[A]. 5/7 m
[B]. 1.4 m
[C]. 1.4 cm
[D]. 87.5 km

What are the key concepts covered in Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound?

Class 9 Science Chapter 11, Sound, focuses on the fundamental properties and behavior of sound waves. It covers topics such as the nature of sound waves (longitudinal waves), their propagation through different media, and factors affecting the speed of sound. The chapter also explains wave parameters like frequency, wavelength, amplitude and velocity, which are commonly tested in Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound MCQ Questions. Concepts include the reflection and refraction of sound, resonance and applications such as sonar and ultrasound imaging. Students can enhance their understanding by attempting Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound MCQ Test Paper and reviewing Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound MCQ Solutions for self-assessment.

How does class 9 science chapter 11 MCQ help in human ear perceive sound?

It is described in 9th Science chapter 11 that the human ear perceives sound through a series of mechanical and neural processes. Sound waves enter the ear canal and cause the eardrum to vibrate, which then transfers these vibrations to the ossicles (malleus, incus and stapes). These bones amplify the sound and send it to the cochlea, where tiny hair cells convert mechanical energy into electrical signals for the brain to interpret. Factors affecting hearing include age, exposure to loud noises and ear infections. Questions related to this topic frequently appear in Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound MCQ Worksheet and Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound MCQ Practice. Students can test their knowledge with Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound Quiz and analyze their answers using Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound MCQ Answer Key.

What are the real-life applications of chapter 11 in class 9th Science?

Sound has numerous real-life applications in fields such as medicine, communication and engineering. One of the most significant uses is ultrasound imaging, where high-frequency sound waves help visualize internal organs and monitor fetal development. Sonar technology, which relies on sound waves to detect underwater objects, is widely used in navigation and marine exploration. In communication, microphones and loudspeakers utilize sound wave principles to convert acoustic signals into electrical signals. Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound MCQ Sample Paper often includes questions on such applications. To reinforce learning, students can attempt Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound MCQ Online Test and download Class 9 Science Chapter 11 Sound MCQ PDF for further practice.