NCERT Exemplar Problems class 11 Biology

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NCERT Exemplar Problems class 11 Biology

NCERT Exemplar Problems class 11 Biology

  1. The Living World
  2. Biological Classification
  3. Plant Kingdom
  4. Animal Kingdom
  5. Morphology of Flowering Plants
  6. Anatomy of Flowering Plants
  7. Structural Organisation in Animals
  8. Cell: The Unit of Life
  9. Biomolecules
  10. Cell Cycle and Cell Division
  11. Transport in Plants
  12. Mineral Nutrition
  13. Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
  14. Respiration in Plants
  15. Plant Growth and Development
  16. Digestion and Absorption
  17. Breathing and Exchange of Gases
  18. Body Fluids and Circulation
  19. Excretory Products and their Elimination
  20. Locomotion and Movement
  21. Neural Control and Coordination
  22. Chemical Coordination and Integration

Nature is formed by nonliving and living organisms. One who has life and performs biological processes and manifests to environment is called living organisms. Living organism process certain characters like reproduction, growth, development, reaction with environment, adaptation and death. Besides these it has characteristics like metabolism, entropy, efficiency to maintain heredity.

There si a aggregation of different layers in living organisms. Membranes are formed of large molecular which are formed from molecules and molecules are formed from atoms. Cell is formed by membranus organelles. Tissue is constituted by group of cells which are present in organ and organ system. Such living organism is known as species.

For the study of living organisms there are nomenclature and identification. Living organisms are classified in to groups. Meaningfully called classification which has species, genus, order, family, class, phylum, etc. There are certain rules and measures. Many scientist’s have contribution in this field. There are various sources for study.

A number of taxonomical aids have been developed for identification, naming and classification of organisms. Actual specimens are collected from the field and preserved in the form of herbaria and museum. Live specimen of plants and animals are found in botanical garden and zoological park respectively. In museum there are specific methods to store plant specimens.