NCERT MCQ Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life describe the set of multiple-choice questions to help students strengthen their understanding of cell biology. Class 9th Science Chapter 5 MCQs cover all main topics like cell structure, organelles and biological processes such as osmosis and diffusion. Practicing these questions improve subject’s clarity and prepares students for exams. With well-structured answers, this resource helps learners develop critical thinking skills and improves accuracy in answering objective-type questions efficiently.
Class 9 Science Chapter 5 NCERT Solutions
Class 9 Multiple Choice Questions
Class 9 Science MCQ

Getting the Importance of Class 9 Science Chapter 5 MCQs

The study of Class 9 Science Chapter 5 MCQs plays a lead role in strengthening students’ foundational knowledge of biology. Multiple-choice questions are an effective tool for evaluating understanding, as they test the ability to recall, analyze and apply concepts related to cells. In the chapter The Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9 MCQs, students explore the structure and functions of cells, including organelles like the nucleus, mitochondria and ribosomes. By practicing Class 9 Science Chapter 5 Objective Questions, students can enhance their problem-solving abilities, helping them perform better in examinations. MCQs on The Fundamental Unit of Life provide a quick assessment method, enabling learners to identify their strengths and weaknesses in the subject. Engaging in a Class 9 Science Chapter 5 Quiz is a great way to revise and reinforce concepts before final exams.

Q1. Type of cell division involved in growth of the body is

[A]. Binary Fission
[B]. Mitosis
[C]. Meiosis
[D]. None of the above

Q2. 1 µm is equivalent to

[A]. 10-⁹ m
[B]. 10-³ m
[C]. 10-¹⁰ m
[D]. 10-⁶ m

Q3. Which of the following options are not a function of Ribosomes? (i) It helps in manufacture of starch grains (ii) It helps in manufacture of hormones (iii) It helps in manufacture of enzymes (iv) It helps in manufacture of protein molecules.

[A]. (i) and (iii)
[B]. (ii) and (iii)
[C]. (iii) and (iv)
[D]. (i) and (ii)

Significance of The Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9 MCQs

The cell is the fundamental structural and functional unit of all living organisms, making The Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9 Questions and Answers the main area of study. Understanding the properties of cells through Class 9 Science Chapter 5 Practice Test enables students to grasp the mechanisms behind cellular processes such as diffusion, osmosis and active transport. When students attempt The Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9 Online Test, they engage with various application-based questions that require sensible thinking. These assessments, including NCERT Textbook Solutions Class 9 Science Chapter 5 Important Questions, help learners build a strong conceptual foundation. By attempting The Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9 Test Papers, students can develop the ability to interpret data, analyze microscopic structures and understand cellular physiology.

Q4. Chromosomes are made up of

[A]. RNA
[B]. Protein
[C]. DNA
[D]. DNA and Protein

Q5. Tonoplast is a differentially permeable membrane surrounding the

[A]. Cytoplasm
[B]. Mitochondria
[C]. Vacuole
[D]. Nucleus

Q6. Middle lamella is formed of

[A]. Calcium pectate
[B]. Cellulose
[C]. Lignin
[D]. Hemicellulose

Practice with Class 9 Science Chapter 5 MCQ Sample Papers

Solving Class 9 Science Chapter 5 Sample Papers is an excellent way for students to prepare for exams and improve their grasp of cellular biology. Cells, being the building blocks of life, exhibit diverse structures and functions, which are covered extensively in The Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9 Practice Questions. Engaging with Class 9 Science Chapter 5 MCQ with Answers provides clarity on concepts such as prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, cell membrane permeability and genetic material organization. Furthermore, The Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9 Objective Questions helps students reinforce theoretical knowledge by applying it to problem-solving scenarios. Attempting a Class 9 Science Chapter 5 Multiple Choice Questions PDF ensures students can answer time-bound questions efficiently, preparing them for real exam conditions.

Q7. Who gave the statement that cells arise from pre-existing cells?

[A]. Schleiden and Schwann
[B]. Hooke
[C]. Virchow
[D]. Haeckel

Q8. Which of the following can be crystallised?

[A]. An amoeba
[B]. A virus
[C]. A bacterium
[D]. A sperm

Q9. Which of the following cell organelle forms lysosome?

[A]. Cell membrane
[B]. Endoplasmic reticulum
[C]. Nucleus
[D]. Golgi apparatus
Role of MCQs in Understanding of The Fundamental Unit of Life

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MCQs, like those in The Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9 MCQ Test, are designed to challenge students’ comprehension of cell theory and cellular organization. Through systematic practice with Class 9 Science Chapter 5 Online Quiz, students learn to differentiate between plant and animal cells, identify the functions of organelles and apply the principles of microscopy. The Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9 MCQ Online Test allows learners to assess their knowledge retention in a structured manner. By answering Class 9 Science Chapter 5 Questions and Answers, students build confidence in handling multiple-choice questions effectively. Engaging in The Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9 Practice Test aids in refining problem-solving skills while ensuring conceptual clarity on critical biological topics.

Q10. Which of the following statements are false?

[A]. Mitochondria and plastid have their own DNA
[B]. Lysosomes are pinched off from Golgi apparatus
[C]. ATP is generated in mitochondria
[D]. Cytoplasm is also called protoplasm

Q11. Amoeba captures its food through a process known as

[A]. Exocytosis
[B]. Plasmolysis
[C]. Endocytosis
[D]. Both [A] and [C]

Q12. Contractile vacuole takes part in

[A]. Absorption of water
[B]. Osmoregulation
[C]. Excretion
[D]. Both [B] and [C]
Right Approach to Learn Class 9 Science Chapter 5 MCQs

A scientific approach to studying Class 9 Science Chapter 5 MCQ Questions involves active learning techniques such as diagrammatic representation, summarization and reasoning. By reviewing The Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9 Quiz Questions, students can visualize complex cellular structures and understand their significance in maintaining life processes. Practicing Class 9 Science Chapter 5 Test Questions through interactive quizzes enhances logical reasoning and analytical thinking. The ability to answer The Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9 Practice Test accurately indicates a student’s grasp of concepts like mitosis, meiosis and cell division. Ultimately, mastering Class 9 Science Chapter 5 Multiple Choice Questions requires consistent effort, application of knowledge and a curiosity-driven approach to learning about the living world.

Q13. The nuclear region of prokaryotes is also known as

[A]. Nucleolus
[B]. Nucleic acid
[C]. Nucleoid
[D]. Centrosome

Q14. Carbohydrates are present in the plasma membrane in the form of

[A]. Cellulose
[B]. Starch
[C]. Glycolipids and glycoproteins
[D]. Hemicellulose

Q15. Cell wall of which one of these is not made up of cellulose?

[A]. Lotus
[B]. Bacteria
[C]. Pitcher plant
[D]. Cactus

Why are Class 9 Science Chapter 5 MCQs important for students?

Class 9 Science Chapter 5 MCQs are important because they help students understand the fundamental concepts of cell biology in a structured and efficient way. The chapter 5 to 9th Science, The Fundamental Unit of Life, MCQs covers essential topics such as the structure and function of cells, types of organelles and processes like osmosis and diffusion. These MCQs test students’ ability to recall facts, apply concepts and analyze biological processes mainly. By solving Class 9 Science Chapter 5 Objective Questions, students can identify their weak areas and improve their problem-solving skills. Attempting MCQs on The Fundamental Unit of Life prepares students for competitive exams and board tests by enhancing their time management and accuracy in answering multiple-choice questions.

How can students prepare effectively for The Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9 MCQs?

To prepare effectively for The Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9 MCQs, students should follow a systematic approach. First, they should thoroughly read the chapter and understand key concepts such as cell theory, the structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and the functions of different organelles. Next, solving Class 9 Science Chapter 5 Practice Test and The Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9 Online Test will help reinforce their understanding. Diagrams and flowcharts can be used to visualize complex processes like diffusion and active transport. Practicing Class 9 Science Chapter 5 Important Questions and attempting The Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9 Test Papers will familiarize students with different types of MCQs, improving their confidence and accuracy.

What are the benefits of solving Class 9 Science Chapter 5 MCQs with answers?

Solving Class 9 Science Chapter 5 MCQ with Answers offers multiple benefits to students. It helps them assess their understanding of the topic, reinforcing their grasp on key concepts related to cells and their functions. With The Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9 Objective Questions, students can improve their analytical thinking by applying theoretical knowledge to real-life biological scenarios. Attempting a Class 9 Science Chapter 5 Multiple Choice Questions PDF enhances problem-solving skills, as students learn to eliminate incorrect options and choose the most suitable answer. By practicing The Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9 MCQ Test, students can boost their exam preparedness and build confidence in tackling multiple-choice questions with speed and accuracy.