NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 12 Exercise 12.2

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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 12 Exercise 12.2

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NCERT Solutions for class 10 Maths Chapter 12.2 solutions

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Exercise 12.1

Exercise 12.3

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Exercise 12.1

Exercise 12.3

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Important questions – Class 10 maths chapter 12 Areas related to Circles
  1. A pendulum swings through an angle of 300 and describes an arc 8.8 cm in length. Find length of pendulum.
  2. What is the measure of the central angle of a circle?
  3. The perimeter and area of a square are numerically equal. Find the area of the square.
  4. A child prepare a poster on “ save energy” on a square sheet whose each side measure 60 cm. at each corner of the sheet, she draw a quadrant of radius 17.5 cm in which she shows the ways to save energy at the center. She draws a circle of diameter 21 cm and writes a slogan in it. Find the area of remaining sheet.
    (a) Write down the four ways by which the energy can be saved.
    (b) Write a slogan on save energy.
    (c) Why do we need to save energy?
  5. A square circumscribes a circle of radius 5 cm. Find the length of the diagonal of the square.
  6. The perimeter of a protractor is 36 cm. Find its diameter.
  7. The length of a minute hand of a clock is 7cm. What is the area swept by it from7.00 am to 7.15 am?
  8. If the perimeter and area of a circle are numerically equal then what is its radius?
  9. The circumference of two circles are in the ratio 4:5 what is the ratio of the areas of these circles.
  10. The numerical difference between circumference and diameter is 30 cm. What is the radius of the circle?
  11. What is the perimeter of a sector of angle 45° of a circle with radius 7 cm. From each vertex of trapezium a sector of radius 7 cm has been cut off. Write the total area cut off.
  12. Write the ratio of the areas of two sectors having angles 120° and 90°.
  13. A bicycle wheel makes 5000 revolutions in moving 10 km. Write the perimeter of wheel.